$225.00 USD

(Zoom Course) Post 302 - Contracts and Closings

Class Held Via Zoom

Congratulations on passing the North Carolina Real Estate Exam!  You must be issued a Real Estate license to enroll in a Post licensing course. 

Let us know once you've completed all 3 post licensing courses with Dream Builders Academy to ensure you receive one CE class for free! 

Date: May 12, 2025-May 22, 2025
Days: Monday-Thursday
Time: 6pm-10pm
Instructor: Patricia Adams

To ensure you receive credit for the course, please register using your name as it appears on your Government issued I.D./Driver's License.

Post 302- Contracts & Closing course is one of the three 30- instructional hour courses in the North Carolina mandatory Postlicensing (PL) education program. The primary objective of the courses is to provide instruction at a level beyond that provided in Prelicensing courses on topics deemed to be of special importance in the active practice of real estate brokerage. Topics addressed in this course include:

• selected basic contract law concepts
• real estate sales contract preparation
• sales contract procedures
• buyer’s due diligence
• closing procedures
•Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act
•closing disclosure prep.
•contracts for deed, options,
•selected real estate license status and
 education issues.

A Mandatory publication for this course, not included in your materials :

NC Real Estate Manual

You can either register for the digital version or order the print version via the NC Real Estate Commissions website.

You can enroll in multiple post licensing classes during the same day/week, but the classes are unable able to overlap each other.  You must attend each class at separate times.